XPpoint Recap – Microsoft buys Bethesda, Xbox Series X Expansion Cards Are Expensive, Amazon Luna
Microsoft bought Bethesda, Xbox One X sales skyrocket and Amazon announced their own cloud gaming service.
Microsoft bought Bethesda, Xbox One X sales skyrocket and Amazon announced their own cloud gaming service.
Hij is er iets later dan oorspronkelijk gepland, maar hier is hij dan: de Recap van deze week. Met onder andere een focus op de PlayStation 5, het nieuws dat Nintendo een van hun populairste consoles ooit niet meer zullen maken en we hebben eindelijk de systeemeisen voor twee enorm geanticipeerde games.
De PlayStation 5 zal op 19 november lanceren. De gewone versie met disc drive zal €499 kosten, de Digital Edition €399. Herbekijk hier de Showcase.
PlayStation 5 lanceert op 19 November Read More »
What you’re about to see is the cancelled Xbox Virtual Press Briefing that would have announced the Xbox Series S, allong with the release date and pricing for both new Xbox consoles.
Leaked: Cancelled Xbox Press Briefing 2020 Read More »
The Next Gen Xbox consoles finally get their release dates and prices, Sony announced at special PlayStation 5 showcase and 505 Games pulls a massive woopsie.
It finally happened: Microsoft has officially announced the launch date and price of their next-gen consoles, the Xbox Series X and Series S.
Xbox Series X and Series S Launch Day and Price Confirmed Read More »
Nvidia has finally presented their RTX 3000 Series graphics cards, Nintendo celebrates the 35th anniversary of Mario and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will get a next-gen release.
There is a lot of news to cover this week: Epics fight against Apple rages on, There were a lot of announcements made during Gamescom Opening Night Live, Madden NFL 21 is now the worst scored game on Metacritic EVER, and the PlayStation 5 launch date may have been leaked.
The fight between Epic and Apple rages on, the next Call of Duty is finally officially announced and Warner Bros Montreal finally shows us their next Batman game after almost a year of teasing.
The Xbox Series S has leaked, Epic Games sues Apple and Google, and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla director Ashraf Ismail has been fired from Ubisoft.
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